Saturday, December 16, 2006

0rganis3d Ka0s

th3 beginning and end 0f all Quests. th3 reason of all life, !ncidentally th3 reason behind the end t0o. puzzl!ng yet so very beautiful.

(adjective) Methodical and efficient in arrangement or function.

understanding the order..the organisation in the kaos is how i perceive life. Bringing a little more simplicity to the overly ka0tic mess that it was till yesterday is how i live it.

!ve made countless mistakes and mayb knowingly or unknowingly i have been given second chances. Ive stumbled a lot along the way and mayb messed up those second chances too.

Realisation. that is what order simplicity and organisation mean to me. And as i stumble along day by day this is where ill describe my personal ka0s and my own version of order. :)

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